Tuesday, April 20, 2010

New Energy

Thanks to Megan, author of http://www.meganerdruns.com/, I have discovered heaven in a packet. Megan writes frequently of nibbling on Clif bars. After ready her blog for several weeks I started to ask people about their opinion of the Clif products. Can you hear the crickets? Yup, that's because NO ONE has ever heard of or eaten this. So I find myself at Wal-mart after my return to the gym to try a few. The majority of the boxes have 2-3 Clif bars remaining. THAT'S A GOOD SIGN! The bars are only $.94 so I delved in, head first in my quest to find sustained energy. The first one I tried was the brownie flavor...not bad. Not bad at all. The second is the Oatmeal Raisin Walnut. I felt like Annie, "oh my goodness, oh my goodness!" These things are yummy. Okay, sure, they contain 240 calories but these bars are so dense that it takes a few days to eat one. Again folks, eating junk is not going to get you through anything substantial, especially Insanity.

I will share this: since I've substantially cut down on the junk, the cravings are going away. I no longer feel the pull of Sonic's Egg & Cheese toaster. Now the pull is more about oatmeal with strawberries, blueberries and brown sugar. Why has it taken 35 years to figure this out? I would start my rant on healthy foods but I'll save that for a later post.

You'll find a few photos of my healthy snacks for the week above. Please excuse the Cool Whip bowl. Those bowls are great for food storage. :-) Oh, I no longer indulge in Cool Whip. Certain dairy items and I no longer get along. It's sad but there are so many delicious alternatives out there. Have you tried Soy Delicious ice cream? Both the soy and the coconut options are delicious.


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