Monday, April 12, 2010

Junk no more

It took several weeks for me to realize that Insanity will not work if I fill my tummy with junk. Of course I know that I feel better when I eat clean but sometimes a cupcake just calls my name. It was a harsh weekend food wise and when I tried Insanity I failed. Miserably. Basically folks, follow the eating plan. If you cannot follow it to the letter, please eat clean.

This weekend has been a bad one. My back is going through the aches that seem to come with my special lady time for about a year. It's not pretty and I think I may need to take a week off because it hurts to simply type this entry.

I want to share a few recipes a found and made. The recipes come from: This young lady makes incredible dishes and thus far they are super delicious and very healthy.

The first is my breakfast and it will probably be my breakfast for the remainder of the week: STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE OATMEAL. The name has your mouth watering, right? Well, i won't read off the ingredients because I encourage you to visit the website. I'm sure you'll find something yummy to make for your breakfast or lunch:

The second is a summer salad. I made it for my coworker and she said she spent her lunch dissecting the salad so she can make it on her own. The only difference is that I used spinach because it's yummy and I didn't add chicken. I only eat seafood. I just might try it with shrimp next time.

Oh, I tried Power Cardio and Resistance tonight but I was that chubby girl in the back of the Fit TV program doing the modified version. Hey, I still burned 415 calories so all was not lost. Plus, I felt a little better while I did it until now. Geesh, a woman's body is a curious thing.

Until later...

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