Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why do it?

I'm totally and completely frustrated with my weight loss progress, rather lack thereof. I started using the Lose It! iPod application and for the month of January I lost 10 pounds. Woo hoo, raise the roof, right? Sure, I was ecstatic until my next weigh in 2.5 weeks later and I lost one whopping pound. One pound? What is this, water weight, muscle? Seriously, I didn't care. The simple fact is that I expected something more. A lot more. Why? I've been hitting the gym, hard 5 days a week. Additionally, I've remained under my recommended calorie intake. And I've gotta tell you, I'm okay with the muscle gain but I still need to get my body below the 200 pound mark.

All of my friends have been talking about this new informercial from called INSANITY. I watched it and thought, hey, I think I can do this. Yes, I've heard the vomit stories, the elite athletes only workout recommendation and still, I entered my credit card information undeterred. So now I wait for the arrival of the ultimate workout and look forward to putting my body through changes that I hope will reinvigorate my weight loss.

In the meantime, I'm going to cleanse my body doing the Fruit Flush Detox:

Stay tuned as I post my numbers and eating plan day by day. The fruit detox begins Monday.

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